Wednesday, December 30, 2009


12:39 AM

Friday, December 18, 2009


5:09 AM

Monday, December 14, 2009

u ah u ah u ah
fast fast come back from thailand
u don let there geh agua sot dou ah
since i promised you that what u said
u also must rmb what you have promise me!!
now i waiting the stars join together
and it means that it is the date u come back

<3 dicky liew weng hien

7:59 PM

Friday, December 11, 2009

today today today!
very happy me
we met tiger and lion today
and 4th gam mui seeems like interested to the tiger.
and i of cz interested to the lion
but the tiger and the lion was so fierce
if they smile also nevermind.
but when lion ask me thgs and i say NO tat time
his eyes like wan eat me into his stomach like that
lion like to go everywhr play
but i just can stay inside hutan cannot go out.
and lion like to campur tiger or elephant those frens.
but i like watermelon and sakai those frens only.
1day u invite me to be the lion queen.
but i scare 1day u will like the lift like tat dump me.

i think no ones und this post except pinpin and huihui.

6:06 AM

Thursday, December 10, 2009

fianlly i saw the blog and finally noe wad inside and finally noe many many things. hahahahahahaahahah

1:47 AM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

oh oh oh!!!
finally i watched finish gong sum gei ady
and finally the 'mah yuen ji' died ady.

tml tml tml !!!
going go jj to celebrate joeyi's 15th sweet bday
hope she forever will rmb we all.
as u said. jimuiiss <3

and yea!
tml going to learn swimming again
hope can see the lengzai jurulatih again
but.boring die me
there's all also small kids.
all those small kids at there hee-haa-hee-haa

1:16 AM